Need to lose 500 words by Friday?
As an editor I can be brutal on word count without losing the really important stuff.
Need to lose 500 words by Friday?
As an editor I can be brutal on word count without losing the really important stuff.
Alexa Raisbeck remembers shop assistants laughing at her because she couldn’t work out the correct change. It took her five years of searching to find out that her problems had a name: dyscalculia. Now she’s a successful artist.
Her current exhibition, Hidden, runs for three days next week in London and explores what it’s like to have an undetected non-verbal learning disability (NvLD).
Hidden weaves together Alexa’s Brainwrapped project and a project by Hungarian artist Edit Olah, entitled ‘Can you see yourself?’
It’s happening at Shoreditch Town Hall and admission is free. The nearest tube stops are Liverpool Street (20 minutes’ walk away) and Old Street, Exit 3 (10 minutes’ walk away).
Alexa’s website is at .
Edited to remove the reference to Alexa being an academic researcher - she is in fact a research subject for research into dyscalculia. I misunderstood her email.