I’m currently looking for electricity suppliers for my vibrant, up-and-coming house and I came across your website. We’re looking for an electricity supplier who can power the fridge, the washing machine and other electrical appliances. We want someone who can deliver electricity quickly as required, ideally in a no-fuss quirky way that “fits” with our house style.
One of the perks of being freelance is that you get to work for lots of different organisations, which means you can spot interesting patterns. You get to see if a type of behaviour is unique to one workplace or common across many organisations.
The first time somebody asked me for advice about how to get started as a freelancer, I nearly fell over. I think my response was: “Why are you asking me?” I’ve never felt as if I’m doing it right. That might be Impostor Syndrome talking, but it might just be the fact that there is no "right" way of doing it.
Freelance journalists often talk about the feast or famine work cycle. (When I say “talk”, I mean “complain”, of course.) I’d like to find a better metaphor, though, one that conveys the reality of the experience. The word “feast” conveys leisurely eating, but the feast periods in my freelancing life are all about the opposite: frantic production as opposed to relaxed consumption.