NUJ newsletter

Logo, white text on green background, saying "NUJ. National Union of Journalists. Oxford & District Branch."
The newsletter for the Oxford & District branch of the National Union of Journalists

During my time on the branch committee, I campaigned against job cuts in traditional media while also trying to recruit new members in the growing digital sector. I set up a website for the branch, which is still going seven years later. I also used my links with the Oxford Geek Nights to connect with the Oxfordshire tech/digital community. 

During my time as chair and vice-chair, I also:

  • Co-organised and chaired a public meeting with Nick Davies and other guest speakers about how "churnalism" threatens democracy
  • Campaigned for quality in academic publishing and helped to organise public meetings about this
  • Represented the union at three national delegate meetings
  • Campaigned against cuts to regional broadcast journalistm
  • Wrote regular articles for the branch newsletter (a monthly print publication)
  • Helped to run the branch Twitter account.

I was branch vice-chair from October 2008 to October 2010, then I was elected branch chair and stayed in the role until January 2013.

Work teaser
As well as campaigning for journalists in Oxfordshire, I created a digital presence from scratch