Upcoming event: meeting of the Oxford & District NUJ branch tomorrow (13th November)

The Oxford & District branch of the NUJ (National Union of Journalists) will be holding its November meeting at an earlier time in a bid to attract more members. The meeting tomorrow will start at 6:30pm with sandwiches provided.

At the October branch meeting, we discussed ways of attracting more people to meetings. There are plenty of possibilities: inviting more speakers to branch meetings, organising more events like the recent special meeting on quality in publishing, doing more campaigning in the workplace. For now, we are going to see if a simple logistical change (making the meeting earlier and providing sandwiches so people can come straight from work) will make a difference.

I was honoured to be elected vice-chair of the branch committee at the October meeting, and I hope that by joining the committee I can increase the number of active branch members in Oxford.